Company magazine – elaborating concept, content creation, project supervising
Mantra’s team developed a complex strategy using the tools of internal communication and employer branding for Remy (BPI Group), which centred around the company culture, values and the proactively managed employee experience. One of the elements was the company magazine that was issued for 5 years in Hungarian.
The company magazine was published in Hungarian, English and French in 2019 by BPI Group, in its subsidiaries across 2 continents’ 4 countries. This assignment was also organized by our agency, including every step of the project.

Since 2013 our agency has been creating the company magazine for Dana Hungary also. The magazine has been published both in English and Hungarian since 2016.

we are responsible for the followings:
- In alignment of the strategic goals we create the magazine’s credo, concept of the content and structure.
- This concept is completed with a clean, yet strong visual, supporting the renewal of the company’s image.
- We manage and supervise all tasks related to the magazine: from defining and completing the content of the current issue and creating the visual content, to graphic design and production.
- As authors we contribute to the magazine, and as editors we provide consistent style and high standard for all articles, followed by professional proofreading.

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Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.
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