Decoration of a new logistics center
Starters E-Components Generators Automotive Hungary (SEGA), known for making starter motors and generators was part of BOSCH Group until 2018. Our agency was appointed with designing, decorating and furnishing its new logistics center at the end of 2017.

A During the project we had to create a décor concept based on the logo that will fit to the brand book to be developed later in the future. We had to execute the décor concept and implementation, furnishment and flower decoration in record time, therefore we used technology that’s production time is short but result spectacular sight.

To meet all goals, we used décor and glass foil, plastic letters, illuminate boxes and letters and stadur plate printed with image photos. Instead of big décor surfaces we choose to use small décor elements, given the circle of the company logo. We furnished the building with modern, innovative and smooth items and accessories. The furniture and accessories were part of the decoration, moreover we even decorated the shelves with the décor foil in the break room. We created flower islands not only in the office area but in the logistics area as well choosing plants that handle rough conditions and clean indoor air well.

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Személyre szabható irodára lenne szükséged?
MinuteOffice lakásirodánk a legjobb hely erre!
Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.
1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A
Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.
1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A