Digital content creation and B2B communication in the tech industry

Softline is a global service provider of IT solutions and services. The company entered the Central and Eastern European markets in six countries at the same time, requiring strategically planned external communication that can effectively target enterprise level customers. The main task was to create then maintain the company’s digital presence.

  • Together with our client we developed the content strategy of the LinkedIn company pages. Besides the introduction of the services we position the company as an industry expert, involving more potential customers.
  • Through online content creation we generated blog and LinkedIn posts that highlight effective IT solutions and best practices of our client. We also present the IT team with unique interviews and expert opinions.
  • We designed the company’s social media identity giving them a recognizable image in align with the brand standards.
  • By organizing LinkedIn ad campaigns we add more visibility to the content, effectively targeting relevant decision makers and IT leaders.
  • We manage and closely monitor all the steps of content creation, upload the approved materials to the company website and the LinkedIn pages, furthermore analyse key metrics.

We directly target decision makers on an enterprise level, therefore we are able to adapt to our client’s needs and to the changes in services quickly. Involving the client’s experts into the content creation process results articles that reflect on real life scenarios. Furthermore, we demonstrate solutions that could effectively contribute to the success of companies operating in the region based on Softline’s international experience.

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Személyre szabható irodára lenne szükséged?

MinuteOffice lakásirodánk a legjobb hely erre!

Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.

1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A

Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.

1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A