HTC Hungary Facebook page – page management
Taiwanese smartphone and smart device manufacturer, HTC, entrusted our agency with the full scale management of the Hungarian Facebook page, besides the PR communication and marketing campaigns tasks. We managed the page for several years, including community management and campaign settings.

- During the page management, we put great emphasis on building an online community. Therefore, we could actively support the increasing brand awareness, and the development of brand loyalty.
- Besides the product endorsement posts, we focused on addressing the questions and topics important for the customers. We developed Facebook posts that were relevant to the Hungarian followers.
- We promoted product launches with special campaigns, like unique online educational series and complex Facebook advertising campaign.
By finding the balance between global and local contents, and placing the community at the forefront of our activity, the number of followers grew organically, and the page could target the relevant audience.

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Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.
1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A