PR communication aiming enterprise customers and partners for Dell

Dell offers a wide range of services to enterprise customers requiring planned and constant PR communication that is also in align with the B2C communication. Besides the press communication of new products we also put emphasize on creating and maintaining two-way communication with IT journalists, which actively strengthened the brands visibility.

  • We prepared press materials and press kits containing relevant information to Hungarian journalists. Before proposing the communication, we thoroughly assessed the news’ relevance in the market. We created the PR campaigns and identified the most suitable form of communication based on the assessment.
  • Closely following the timing of the international product announcements resulted localized press materials to Hungarian journalists near real-time. As a result, localized materials and messages were disseminated approved by our client and served as the primary source of information to the media.
  • We organized small scale press briefings to announce the hero products and services to media. We also used these events to convey information more effectively and strengthen media relations.
  • Besides tech media, we also prepared and disseminated materials to business and news outlets and provided expert opinion on industry trends creating meaningful content.

The continuous PR activity was based on deepening press relations and strategically placing industry expert opinions. Using these pillars, we could maintain a PR activity that underlined Dell’s media presence both in the short term and long term.

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Személyre szabható irodára lenne szükséged?

MinuteOffice lakásirodánk a legjobb hely erre!

Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.

1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A

Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.

1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A