Showrooms’ content and design concept and implementation for automotive companies
Through the years we have worked for several automotive components suppliers whom we designed and developed company story, company missions and product introduction showrooms.

The showroom needs to introduce the company story, its mission and vision, the Hungarian company’s story, activity, results and produced products.

During the project we participated in compiling the showroom content, we designed the showroom décor, then implemented it, always considering the available surface and the permanent and temporary content. We have always looked for cost-effective but spectacular solutions. We believe in the importance of details therefore we try to use unaccustomed décor elements in our works that also emphasizes the companies’ innovative, creative, modern approach.

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Személyre szabható irodára lenne szükséged?
MinuteOffice lakásirodánk a legjobb hely erre!
Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.
1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A
Örömmel indítjuk el még ma a legújabb projekted.
1066 Budapest, Teréz krt. 8. 1/14A